Thursday, May 22, 2008

Chapter 6

The prisoners are evacuated through a blizzard and in the dark as though they were hiding something. Anybody how decides to stop, they are shot right away. As Eliezer is running, a boy running beside of him decides he is exhausted and stops. He is then trampled to death. They prisoners ran for forty-two miles and ended up in a deserted city.

Eliezer and his father try to keep each other awake. If one of them were to fall asleep it could be deadly because of the cold. As father and son protect one another, Rabbi Eliahou is searching for his son that Eliezer saw him leave his father because his son thought his father can not make the run all the way.

The prisoners arrive at the Gleiwitz camp. They all were crushing each other to enter the barracks. Can you imagine the amount of self will is needed to run forty-two miles in one night? They didn’t have anything to eat. They were going to die if they stopped and rested. When they reached the village, if they fell asleep, they would die from the cold. These people have endured everything that was thrown at them.


Albert Clarke said...

Yo Steve I think you made a very good summary of this great chapter. I like how you added the emotional and physical aspects to the comment.

ekidwell92 said...

I like your summary a lot. I also like how you add pictures that reflect what is contained in your summary.

Bret said...

Good post steve. I like how you incorporated pictures so the reader can see what Elie had to go through,a and you explained everything well. Keep up the good work.

Nick said...

Good job with the summary of the section. I like your thoughts about the section to. Keep up the good work.

nigeria123 said...

The pictures gave a simple visual of what was happening in the chapter. The summary covered the events of importance. You made a good reflection on what the Jews went through in the chapter. Well done.